Into the Wild
I would like to share with all my friends and whoever visits this blog the name of the book I am reading at the moment.
Before I headed to Tharwa, my best friend (I could say best) from Airlie Beach, Margot Palmer gave me an excellent book, although I just realized a month later that the book was really good.
Anyway the book is “Into the Wild”, written by Jon Krakauer that tells a beautiful and sad story about a rich young man called Chris MacCandless. Chris went to a extremely adventure into the Alaska wildness. He just left all his stuff behind and followed his dreams…
To be honest I haven’t already finished the book, but it is so good that I wanted to spread good speech about it.
Margot yet don’t know how much I am enjoying the book, but I can guarantee how happy she would be when she reads this blog post. Thanks Margot for the present.
See also:
Tharwa ACT,_Australian_Capital_Territory
Jon Krakauer
Airlie Beach
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